Air filtration in industrial plants


We are Venfilter, experts in air filtration for industrial plants. We are a company that since 1992 designs, manufactures and markets air filters for the protection of the environment, manufacturing processes and people.

Founded in Terrassa in 1992, Venfilter can proudly say that we are the only company in the sector with 100% national capital. And by the way, we are also the leading filter manufacturer in the Spanish market.

The experience and specialization, as well as the quality in the service have made us a reference, providing experience and rigor in different sectors: hospital, pharmaceutical, veterinary, chemical, microelectronics, food, packaging, optics and aerospace sector.

Large flow filtration experts

Our high specialization standards allow us to guarantee the highest filtering standards in all specialty areas. In our portfolio of products we have synthetic blankets, prefilters, filters for paint booths, bag filters, high temperature filters, as well as the most demanding HEPA and ULPA filters.

We invest in the future, constantly betting on technology. As proof of this, we have the only laboratory in Spain that allows us to guarantee our sealing standards for the filter cell for HEPA and ULPA filters according to EN1822 standard.