Quality policy

VENFILTER was created on July 1st 1995, with the aim of satisfying the need for medium and high efficiency, compact, absolute, laminar flow and high temperature filtration equipment for the service and industrial sectors. Therefore, our activity is aimed at:

Design, manufacture and marketing of air filters and equipment at national and international level.


NATIONAL VOCATION: In a global, highly competitive market and in the current context, VENFILTER continues to move forward: committed to continue manufacturing highly competitive products that provide added value, generating employment and participating in the national economy.

INTERNATIONAL VOCATION: True to our commitment, we set our sights on Europe and the rest of the world, offering excellent and sustainable solutions in product and service, on a par with the best multinational companies.


VOCATION OF SERVICE: We help companies that have technical installations to improve, advising them on the best solutions, so that our customers can make the best decision for their business.

EXCELLENCE: For Venfilter, quality is essential, which is why the UNE EN ISO 9001 Standard ratifies us. In times of change, our constant effort is based on always respecting the quality of raw materials and continuous improvement so that our products, and a personalised customer service, provide maximum satisfaction to our customers, assuming their requirements, the legal and regulatory requirements that apply to us, and those self-imposed. From this perspective of our continuous improvement and regulatory compliance, the European Standards Committee (EUROVENT), for the manufacture of Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Heating and Industrial Ventilation and Air Treatment equipment in Europe, accredits our activity according to the EN-779 and EN-1822 standards.

ETHICS AND TRANSPARENCY: We simplify management, innovate and comply with regulations and offer maximum guarantees to our customers. With a sustainable will, to leave a better world for future generations.

COMMITMENT TO SATISFACTION: We work to offer the best quality, reliability and technical support at a reasonable price. So that each project becomes the best.

COMMITMENT TO THE ENVIRONMENT: We are committed to being environmentally friendly by reducing consumption, pollution and waste production to conserve resources.PASSION: We enjoy our work and we only understand it with enthusiasm, demand and dedication, which makes us evolve day by day and places us at the top of the sector.

Quality controls are essential to guarantee the good performance of our filters, which are individually tested each time.

This Quality Policy serves as a reference framework for the objectives and improvements, both of the product and service, as well as the company’s own Management System and Strategy.



C/ de la Terra, 36 P.I. Els Bellots 08227-Terrassa (BARCELONA)