Venfilter and Eurovent
Since 2013, Venfilter has been committed to Eurovent. In other words, to the seriousness and rigour of the published information. As part of its commitment to provide a quality product that fully meets the expectations of our customers.

What is Eurovent?
Eurovent is the European Committee of Manufacturers of Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Heating, Industrial Ventilation and Air Treatment Equipment.
Through the company Eurovent Certita Certificaction, they develop product certification programmes for our industry.
Companies in the Air Filter sector can participate in the Certification Programme: Air Filter Class M5-F9 (Fil).
Goals of Eurovent
Eurovent’s main objectives are:
- To represent European manufacturers in accordance with European and international standards.
- Informing its members of all relevant legislation emanating from the European Union or other relevant bodies.
- Elaboration and implementation of European standards.
- To develop a reliable system for collecting global statistics.

Certified characteristics
The Eurovent symbol guarantees that all registered products, such as Venfilter products, meet these requirements.
- Filter Class: ISO Coarse, ISO ePM10, ISO ePM2.5, ISO ePM1.
- Initial pressure drop in Pa, measured according to UNE-EN ISO 16890.
- Efficiency according to UNE-EN ISO 16890 (only for coarse ISO filters).
- Minimum Efficiency (ePM1 and ePM2.5 min.) according to UNE-EN ISO 16890 (only for filters with a nominal flow rate of 0.944 m³/s (3400 m³/h)).
- Annual energy consumption according to UNE-EN ISO 16890 (only for filters with a nominal flow rate of 0.944 m³/s (3400 m³/h)).
Figure. Eurovent logo and certification.


VENFILTER, is the only spanish company
certified by EUROVENT
Benefits of certified Eurovent products
For end-users…
| For equipment manufacturers…
Quality certificate
- Eurovent Certita Certification, certifies that the quality system of the Company: VENTILACIÓN Y FILTRACIÓN, SL (Venfilter) is in accordance with the requirements of EUROVENT.