The MIA AIR PLUS purifier is a unit for air purification and immediate recirculation of air. It complements the ventilation systems. Designed for offices, shops, gyms, schools, museums, medical and dental clinics, retirement homes, etc.

Technical features

Type: MIA AIR purifier for immediate recirculation of indoor air, turning polluted air into clean air in minutes, in a space up to 100m2.
Construction: ABS Shock resistant.
Voltage: 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz.
Power Consumption: 25-105W.
Dimensions: 66x38x38 cm.
Weight: 16/18 Kg.
Air Volume: 90 to 910 m3 / h with six speeds
94 to 530 cfm with six speeds
Renewals: For 50m2, it will renew the air a minimum of 6 times per hour.
For 100m2, it will renew the air a minimum of 3 times per hour.
Sound level: <60 dB (Automatic mode)
Control: Remote control by Mobile Application. (APP).
Wi-Fi connection: With 802.11 b / g / n router in Wi-Fi network band of 2.4 Ghz.
Sensors: VOC, ePM1, ePM2.5, ePM10, CO2, Temperature and Moisture.
Colours: White and Space Grey.
ECARF certification.



The equipment is equipped with a router for Wi-Fi connection, which allows connecting it to the local network and installing the APP. The practical mobile App allows having the control of the device and the conditions of its environment at all times and from anywhere.
Easy to install application, with only one screen, which provides instantaneous and real time information on air quality, life span of filters and gives access to all device related parameters.

Different modes of operation of the device:
– Silent
– Turbo
– Auto
– Eco
– Manual

Data provided:
– Air Quality Index (AQI)
– Particle counter PM1, PM2.5 and PM10
– VOC particle counter
– Temperature, Relative Humidity and CO2 level information
– Status and life span of the filter
– Filter Status and Life Cycle

ECARF certification
The European Center for Allergy Research has granted MIA AIR PLUS the ECARF certification recognizing the following aspects:
– Reduction of the levels of pollen, bacteria and mold spores in the air.
– Capacity of retention of fine particles.
– Allergens in treated air less than 1 ng / m3.
– Mold spore retention capacity of 85%
This certification makes MIA AIR PLUS the ideal product both for people who suffer from respiratory diseases associated with allergies, and for all those who want to enjoy optimal Indoor Air Quality.






TypeDimensions mm.Efficiency MMPS Class EN 1822Treatment*
HEPA FILTER260x495x60>99,999%H14ANTIMIC


TypeDimensions mm.Efficiency VOC
CARBÓN FILTER260x495x18Benzene, Formaldehyde, Toluene, Xylene, Ethyl, Alcohol etc.