Replaceable frame Quebraven Galvanized
Pre-filter for the retention of coarse particles in industrial installations and processes with a high airflow, with reduced spatial area.
Pre-filter for the retention of coarse particles in industrial installations and processes with a high airflow, with reduced spatial area.
Type: Replaceable filter with an uneven surface, zigzag pleated, with synthetic material.
Frame: Galvanized Steel.
Grid: Securing protection grid in the air output and Retaining clip in the air input panel to replace the filter media.
Media: Synthetic.
Average yield % (Am): 92% <
EN 779 Class: G4.
ISO 16890: Coarse 65%.
Recommended Final Pressure Drop: 250 Pa.
Temperature: 100ºC.
– Replaceable pre-filter with uneven surface cut-to-size panels.
– Manufactured in special sizes.
– Other sizes: please consult.
UxP: Units per box
Stock: F: Manufacturer, S: Stock, SL: Limited Stock