Clean air for hospitals


One of the areas of application of air filtering is more relevant without doubt is in places such as hospitals and everything related to medical and health care. This is where good air filtering takes on special interest and relevance.

The protection in the hospital should be treated from a holistic and comprehensive perspective, including patients, staff and visitors. The risks that appear in a hospital center are very diverse and, often, infectious strains are found that are resistant to the usual treatments.

Having a good quality of air in hospitals and operating rooms is so critical that in fact bad filters or filters in poor condition can have disastrous consequences.

Air quality becomes even more important as patients in hospitals and other facilities are more prone to compromised immune systems, making them more vulnerable to infection.

Almost 25% of hospital infections have a respiratory origin; In addition, 37% of all infections occur in the intensive care areas. In this context, it is extremely important to adequately treat the air of these environments.

The demographic changes that have occurred in the last fifteen years in our country have shown that the air inside the hospitals must be treated in an active way. On the other hand, every day more in the hospitals appear infectious agents resistant to antibiotics, which suppose already a very important part of the total of infections.

As experts in clean air, Venfilter factory air filters for all health applications getting an optimal filtering and air of the best quality ensuring that both pollen, dust, fungal spores and most importantly, infectious bacteria do not contaminate the environment.

Clean air for people and equipment

Venfilter has all the experience in tested and tested facilities in hospitals, operating rooms, dentists, medical offices and auxiliary facilities in the health field such as waiting rooms, hospital cafeterias, research centers and other healthcare facilities. All of them require particularly efficient air filtering designs in order to meet all the necessary requirements to protect the health of patients, visitors and healthcare personnel from a wide range of air risks.

In addition to protecting people from airborne bacteria, proper filtration in healthcare is necessary to protect the equipment used.

Our higher-end EPA and HEPA filters have been designed, developed and tested for optimal application in hospitals and other healthcare facilities.

A flow of clean air and protected from any bacteria or infection is key to protect people, patients, nursing homes, dental offices, etc. Venfilter provides air filter solutions for the most demanding areas.

High quality filters, manufactured here and certified here.

We invest in the future, constantly betting on technology. As proof of this, we have the only laboratory in Spain that allows us to guarantee our sealing standards for the filter cell for HEPA and ULPA filters according to EN1822 standard.

We continue working with rigor and rigor, investing in research, improving our production and service capacity, to offer excellence in air filters to companies from here and from the rest of the world.