Filters for painting workshops


Let’s imagine that we have a paint shop and we have to guarantee our customers the highest quality finish. Which factor is the most important? Without going any further, more than the quality of the paint or the adjustments of painting, the most important thing to maintain our levels of excellence-paint-finishing is to maintain a clean and particle-free atmosphere and that’s where the air filters take the leading role .

Venfilter is a manufacturer of filters for painting workshops and has extensive experience in the production of filters for those applications where extreme filtration is necessary to provide a particle-free environment that guarantees the quality and good finish of the manufactured product.

Painting  workshops are one of the most specific scenarios of filtration, with high performance and efficiency. On these very specific cases, an environment free of dust and particles is essential to guarantee the perfect finishing of the painting works.

Paint shops require the filtering of large quantities of air flows for various reasons, both for operational reliability and also for health purposes, to avoid, on the one hand, that the quality of the painting is damaged or altered by contaminants, and on the other, that the waste from the process can not affect people or pollute the environment and our business can be compliant with the environmental requirements that regulate the sector.

Filters for any need in painting workshops

In line with our quality policy and service vocation, we help companies that have technical paint facilities to improve their performance, advising them on the most optimal filtering solutions for our customers to make the best decision for their business.

We manufacture custom-sized air filters for painting workshops to fulfill any filtering need. Our technical department is capable of designing, adjusting and refining any air filter to provide the air quality required for the processes and the specific needs required by any painting process.

Filters for painting workshops that last longer

Venfilter manufactures the most efficient air filters for any filtration solution. For a certain price range, our air filters are more efficient and have better durability performance over our competitors. Simply our filters last longer than our competitor’s. Think about all the adventages that this feature means. More durability, less downtempo on the procesess, fewer stops for maintenance.

About Venfilter

We are experts in the design, manufacture and marketing of filtration solutions and experts in air filters since 1995. We have the tools, specific products and experience to provide workers and production equipment with a constant and controlled flow of clean air comfortably, to maintain the highest levels and health and safety conditions at work.