Compact filters


Designed for air suction in gas turbines, compressors, centrifuges, machinery and places where there is considerable vibrations.

Technical features

Type: Compact Filter with High Efficiency aluminum separators.
Frame: Galvanized Steel with two bridles or flanges.
Filtering Element: Glass microfiber paper.
Separators: Corrugated (Fluted) aluminum separator.
Sealant: Polyurethane.
Clamp or flange: Galvanized Steel.
Grid: Grid on both sides.
Gravimetric Efficiency: 98% and 99.95%
Average Efficiency % (Em): 60% ≤ Em < 80% and 90% ≤ Em < 95%.
EN 779 Class: M6 and F8.
Recommended Final Pressure Loss: 600 Pa.
Temperature: 80ºC continuous service.


Filters for turbines
