Certified industrial air filters


When we talk about certified industrial air filters we are talking about EUROVENT, which means seriousness and rigor. Eurovent is the European Committee of Manufacturers of Ventilation Equipment, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Heating and Industrial Ventilation, Air Treatment, in Europe. Venfilter works with EUROVENT since 2013.

Benefits of filters certified by Eurovent

The benefits for end users of filters certified by Eurovent are:

  • Peace of mind that equipment will operate in accordance with the design specifications.
  • Comparison of FILTERS of different manufacturers with the same parameters.
  • The ENERGY cost will be correctly stated.
  • Technical details supplied in a standard European format.


They are listed exhaustively in the Eurovent directory. http://www.eurovent-certification.com/en/Quick_search.php?rub=10&srub=&ssrub=&lg=en

By means of the Eurovent certification symbol:

This symbol provides subscribers, fitters and users with a guarantee that the equipment offered for sale on the market by participants has been correctly presented in their catalogue.

The certification symbol appears in the technical and commercial information together with the words “The Company participates in the Eurovent Certification Programme. The products correspond to those listed in the Eurovent Product Directory.”

About Venfilter

Welcome to Venfilter, a company which has been designing, producing and selling air filters tailored to protecting the environment, manufacturing processes and people since 1992.

Founded in Terrassa in 1992, today Venfilter is the only business within the sector with 100% domestic capital. Venfilter is the market leader for filter manufacturing in Spain.

Experience and specialisation as well as high quality service has ensured that we are a hallmark of excellence, providing expertise and a thorough service to different areas: hospital, pharmaceutical, veterinary, chemical, microelectronics, food, packaging, optics and aerospace sectors.